DAILY BULLETIN: Thursday (3/6)

March 6, 2014
  • Seniors: Just a reminder to pay your dues. The cost is $65 and can be paid to Mrs. Vasta in the Assistant Principals’ Office. REMEMBER .. You CAN NOT buy tickets to Prom or Cruise until you pay your dues and these events are right around the corner.
  • Tickets for the “Black Out Dance” on March 15th will be sold at lunches the rest of this week and all of next week until the dance. Tickets cost $7 in advance. If you bring in a cam or non perishable food item when you buy the ticket you will get $2 off the regular ticket price. Tickets at the door cost $10.
  • Please sign up your spring dance  guests in the Assistant Principals’ Office. You must have the correct spelling of your guests name along with the name of the high school they attend.
  • There will be a mandatory Project Hope meeting for all who are involved. We will be taking the picture for the yearbook, and a filming section of our PSA. If anyone is able to , or  wishes to help with the  PSA  your help would  be greatly appreciated and will only take a minute of your time.