Notice Regarding Student Attendance

September 3, 2020

Good Morning Timberlane Regional High School Parents & Guardians,

To keep an accurate record of student attendance, we would like to stress the importance of verifying your
students’ absence when they will not be attending either a live or remote class.
If your students’ cohort is working remotely, or if you are a fully remote student and you will be missing your
scheduled class due to sickness or any other reason, we are asking you to please verify this through pickup
patrol or to call the absence line at the high school. Although your student is not scheduled to be in the building
for that particular day, we need our teachers and administrators to have an accurate record of when students
are attending class.

Likewise, if your students’ cohort is live in the building and they are absent due to sickness or any other reason,
they should still be verified through pickup patrol or the absence hotline. They may participate in the zoom
session from home, but will be marked absent as they are physically not present in the building.
Our students’ safety is of the utmost importance to us and we appreciate you working with us on keeping
accurate attendance records.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

TRHS Administration