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If your child is in a peanut/tree nut sensitive room please call the teacher and/or nurse for any questions regarding this process to ensure safety of our children. Food Allergy Guidelines: Notify the school of the child’s allergy(s), prior to entry into school or immediately after a diagnosis of a life threatening allergy is …
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During any school year there can be outbreaks of head lice. Head lice do not discriminate- they love everyone! Higher risk groups include children ages 3-11, females, clean hair, those returning from vacation, summer camps, and sleep-overs. What are head lice? Head lice are tiny, wingless, greyish-tan insects that live and breed in human hair. …
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TRSD Concussion and Head Injury Policy The School Board recognizes that concussions and head injuries are commonly reported injuries in children and adolescents who participate in sports and other recreational activities. The Board acknowledges the risk of catastrophic injuries…..Read More Other Resources New Hampshire Dept of Health and Human Services Concussion Fact Sheet Center …
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Prescription medication should not be taken during school hours, if at all possible. Medication is to be administered by the school nurse, principal, or other designee. Medication will be administered in school only after the following information has been received and filed in the student’s health record. This includes self-carrying medications such as epinephrine auto …
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