May 31, 2013

For the purpose of full disclosure, the SAU Board announces that at their May 29, 2013 Board meeting, the Board voted unanimously to amend Dr. Earl Metzler’s employment contract with SAU 55 as follows:

EMPLOYMENT AND TERM: To revise the current three year term which would expire in 2015 to five years, now expiring in 2017.

RENEWAL OF CONTRACT: To revise the current automatic renewal from a period of three years to a period of five years in the event neither party notifies the other of the intent to terminate the agreement.

VACATION LEAVE: To allow for the accumulation of a maximum of forty unused vacation days; whereas the previous agreement required the Superintendent to forfeit any unused vacation leave beyond ten days.

INSURANCE BENEFIT: To increase the SAU’s contribution towards the Superintendent’s health insurance from 85% for a two-person or family plan to 90% and increase the SAU’s contribution towards dental insurance from 75% to 90%.

TRAVEL AND EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT: To compensate the Superintendent for in-district travel in the amount of $200 per month; whereby the original agreement was for actual mileage.

RETIREMENT ANNUITY: To allow the Superintendent to contribute, on his own, over and above the SAU’s original matching contribution of $10, 000 per year towards the Superintendent’s retirement annuity. The SAU’s match of up to $10, 000 per year was not amended.

In addition to these amendments, the Board conducted an evaluation of the Superintendent resulting in the following:

• 3 ¼ percent increase in salary
• 4 percent performance bonus

These amendments as well as the salary increase and performance bonus shall be effective September 1, 2013.

Michael Mascola, Chair
School Administrative Unit No. 55

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