Timberlane Enters Second Year Of Community Partnership With Plaistow YMCA

October 8, 2015

The Timberlane Regional School District is proud to enter the second year of its Community Partnership with the Plaistow YMCA. The YMCA offers a healthy choice for our students with many academic and athletic programs after school and over the summer. The YMCA has also supported our annual canned food drive, started a young women’s leadership program at the middle school, started Teen Nights At The Y, offers internship and volunteer opportunities for our Honors Society students and held free yoga classes for our staff during the holiday season. Starting this year the District has entered into a Workplace Wellness Program at the Y, offering free two week passes to our staff, and free classes for all staff who join the Y such as Heart Healthy Diet, Exercise to Reduce Holiday Stress and Train Like An Athlete. This partnership truly meets our mission of providing cooperative opportunities to foster student aspirations and our community needs by supporting staff and students in healthy choices for healthy living. This is what the YMCA and the Community Partnership Program are all about! Please visit our Community Partnership webpage at wp.timberlane.net/scp for more information on how you can partner with the Timberlane Regional Schools.

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Events on January 2, 2025
Policy Committee Meeting
Starts: 5:00 pm
Location: 30 Greenough Rd, Plaistow, NH 03865, USA
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Policy Committee Meeting
Starts: 5:00 pm
Location: 30 Greenough Rd, Plaistow, NH 03865, USA
Events on March 6, 2025
Policy Committee Meeting
Starts: 5:00 pm
Location: 30 Greenough Rd, Plaistow, NH 03865, USA