Superintendent Establishes Diversity Awareness Advisory Committee

September 23, 2016

Dr. Metzler establishes a new advisory committee for the purpose of making recommendations directly to him relative to his goal to improve school climate and culture through a variety of district and building level initiatives. The focus of this committee will be on promoting a culture of diversity awareness at all levels through the systematic training of staff and administration and the inclusion of diversity awareness education for students at all levels.

The committee will be comprised of individuals selected by the Superintendent and will be co-chaired by Middle School Assistant Principal Mike Flynn and Business Operations Coordinator Geoff Dowd.

“Timberlane has always been a community that respects and appreciates diversity. We cannot continue to take this for granted. In order to maintain this attitude, we need to work at understanding the complexities of diversity in today’s world. Diversity means different things to different people; our goal will be to encourage and build on the premise that all are created equal and should be treated as such. Rigor, accountability, evaluation and support to increase student achievement must be rooted and implemented in a safe and nurturing learning environment.”

Dr. Earl Metzler
Superintendent of Schools

September 23, 2016

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