Important Message Concerning School Safety from the Superintendent of Schools

April 24, 2018

During the course of the District’s school vacation facilities cleaning process, custodial staff at the Timberlane Regional High School discovered two bullets in the athletic wing. The Plaistow Police Department was immediately notified and, as a precaution, a K-9 search of both the Middle and High schools was conducted. We are pleased to report the search resulted in no other findings.

Though it is impossible at this time to determine the source of where this ammunition came from, we will continue to work with the Plaistow Police Department to investigate, and most importantly, increase police presence at our campus to ensure both students and staff members feel safe in our buildings and on our grounds.

This incident, coupled with last week’s unsubstantiated threat at the high school, as well as numerous national situations, serves as a reminder to all that public safety is a public responsibility in that we all need to be aware of our surroundings and report suspicious activity to the appropriate authorities.

We extend our appreciation to the Plaistow Police Department for their immediate response, assistance, and professionalism this past week. We also wish to communicate to our parents, students and staff members our promise and vigilance to provide safe teaching and learning environments throughout the district.

Dr. Earl Metzler

Superintendent of Schools

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