A Message From the School Chair and Vice Chair Regarding Bullying

June 11, 2018

At their June 7th board meeting, the Timberlane Regional School Board received a report of alleged bullying at one of the district elementary schools.  The matter was immediately forwarded to District administrators and is currently under review by way of the established process for addressing bullying complaints, as defined by state law and school district policy. The Superintendent is also monitoring the process.

This notice is to inform Timberlane parents as well as members of the public that the School Board, the Superintendent of Schools, and District administrators take reports of bullying seriously. The District is committed to promoting anti-bullying preventative strategies to ensure that each student is provided a safe learning environment and, to that end, has sponsored numerous anti-bullying initiatives.  Staff members undergo anti-bullying training, student receive instruction on anti-bullying, and community awareness measures are undertaken as evidenced by a recent anti-bulling presentation by the Timberlane Parents Advisory Forum (https://vimeo.com/263036543).

“I encourage students to speak to their teachers,  guidance counselors or building principals with any questions or concerns they might have about bullying or harassment, as our educational team is ready and prepared to assist our students in a variety of areas.” –   Sue Sherman, School Board Chair

Sue Sherman, School Board Chair

Kelly Ward, School Board Vice Chair


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