Notice of Public Hearing, Elected Official Vacancies and Deliberative Session

December 28, 2020

NOTE: The Timberlane Regional School District Budget Committee and School Board are proceeding with the public hearing and their meetings in accord with the Governor’s Emergency Order No. #12 and thus the Committee and Board will be meeting remotely and not in physical locations. Written testimony for the public hearing may be submitted in advance of the hearing to: Email and shall be attached to the minutes and record of the public hearing.

PUBLIC HEARING ON BUDGET: The Budget Committee will conduct a public hearing on the proposed 2021-22 School District budget on Thursday, January 14, 2021 at 7:00pm by way of video conferencing using the Zoom Webinar platform. The online link to this public hearing is  The tech support number for members of the public needing assistance is 603-382-6541 x3955.

Log-on Instructions: When logging on, members of the public will be prompted to provide their email address and name. Public comment will be permitted during specific portions of the hearing whereby members of the public may utilize the raise hand tool at the bottom of the video screen. Members of the public may also dial-in to the hearing at 888-475-4499 (Toll Free) using Webinar ID 885 8300 3684 and Passcode 793295. Public comment may also be submitted by calling into 603-257-5779.  These instructions will also be posted at

SPECIAL MEETINGS FOLLOWING PUBLIC HEARING: The Budget Committee and School Board will meet immediately following this hearing to take recommendation action on warrant articles. The Budget Committee will meet first using the same public hearing videoconference link (  The School Board will meet immediately after the Budget Committee meeting also using the same public hearing videoconference link (  Using the same link will allow for a seamless transition from meeting to meeting for the viewing public.

ELECTED OFFICIALS VACANCIES: The Timberlane Regional School District announces the following elected official vacancies beginning March 2021.  Residents may file for candidacy at the Superintendent’s Office, 30 Greenough Road, Plaistow, NH (M-F 8:30 am – 4:00 pm). Filing period is from Wednesday, January 20, 2021 to Friday, January 29, 2021 at 5:00 pm.  Vacancies are as follows:

Atkinson Voters                  School Board Member                       3-year Term

Plaistow Voters                   School Board Member                       3-Year Term

Sandown Voters                 School Board Member                       3-year Term

Atkinson Voters                  Budget Committee Member             3-Year Term

Plaistow Voters                   Budget Committee Member             1-Year Term

Plaistow Voters                   Budget Committee Member             3-Year Term

Sandown Voters                 Budget Committee Member             1-Year Term

Sandown Voters                 Budget Committee Member             3-Year Term

DELIBERATIVE SESSION: The Timberlane Regional School Board will hold their 2021 Deliberative Session on Thursday, February 4, 2021 at 7:00 pm at the Timberlane Regional High School, 36 Greenough Road, Plaistow, NH.  All budget and warrant information will be posted in accordance with RSA 40:13 at

VOTING: District voting will be held on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at district polling locations.

Documents associated with these hearings/meetings are available at

Tom McCormick, Chair

Timberlane Regional Budget Committee


Kimberly Farah, Chair

Timberlane Regional School Board

Upcoming Events

Events on September 5, 2024
Policy Committee Meeting
Starts: 5:00 pm
Location: 30 Greenough Rd, Plaistow, NH 03865, USA
Events on October 3, 2024
Policy Committee Meeting
Starts: 5:00 pm
Location: 30 Greenough Rd, Plaistow, NH 03865, USA
Events on November 7, 2024
Policy Committee Meeting
Starts: 5:00 pm
Location: 30 Greenough Rd, Plaistow, NH 03865, USA