Remote Learning – Student Chromebook Support FAQ’s

To help troubleshoot a few simple problems that may come up with Chromebooks we have come up with this brief FAQ page.

Chromebook will not turn on

Be sure the device is charged.   Plug it in, make sure orange light comes on to indicate charging.

When Light turns green the device has a full charge.  (It may be necessary to charge for a full 24 hours)

Device is fully charged but still won’t turn on

Try to turn the device on while still plugged into the power cord.   If the device turns on, try unplugging the device. If the device shuts down immediately then it probably needs a new battery.   Continue to use only with the power cord for now.

Force a hard restart

Sometimes it is necessary to press and hold the power button down for 30 seconds to force a hard restart.  Literally hold down the power button and count to 30. Release the button, wait a moment, and try the button again.  This may seem tedious, but you might be surprised with the results.

Reset your Google Profile on the Chromebook

If your Zoom is mentioning needing an update or you have issues connecting try resetting your TRSD Google account on the Chromebook.

  1. On the Chromebook sign-in screen, select the profile you want to remove.
  2. Next to the profile name, select the Down arrow .
  3. Select Remove this user.
  4. In the box that appears, select Remove this user.
  5. Reboot the chromebook and log back into your account.  It will rebuild your profile on the Chromebook.

Logging in:

From a personal device it is necessary to use the as part of the email address.   On a school issued device the is already assumed. You only need the username portion.

Why is My Internet Slow?

Worldwide “distance learning” and “work from home” have caused this question to be asked more than ever. While there are plenty of things outside of your control (like worldwide network utilization), there are several things you can do in your own home to improve things.

Test Your Connection

Most Internet service providers offer tools to test your maximum internet speed. These should be run sparingly. But, it’s a good idea to test occasionally to ensure there are no issues with your service. They take less than a minute to run. 


Consolidated Communications: 

Atlantic Broadband:

If you are consistently getting much less than your contracted speed, it is worth contacting your provider.


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